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济南市代市长 谢玉堂


  第一章 总 则
  第一条 为了严厉打击生产、销售假冒劣商品违法行为,保护消费者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,保障和促进改革开放的顺利进行,根据有关法律、法规和规章,结合本市实际情况,制定本规定。
  第二条 本规定适用于本市行政区域内对生产、销售假冒劣商品行为的查处工作。
  第三条 本市各级人民政府应当加强对生产、销售假冒劣商品行为查处工作的领导;具体工作以工商行政管理机关和标准计量(含技术监督)行政管理部门为主,有关行政机关按照分工,各司其职,密切配合,协同进行。
  第四条 对生产、销售假冒劣商品行为,应当坚决制止,严厉打击,依法从重从快进行查处。
  第五条 任何单位和个人都有权对生产、销售假冒劣商品行为检举、揭发和控告,也有义务协助有关行政机关依法查处。

  第二章 认 定
  第六条 假冒劣商品由工商行政管理机关和标准计量行政管理部门依法认定,法律、法规另有规定的除外。其中需要检测的,由县级以上法定检测机构检测。检测机构应及时提供准确的检测结果。
  第七条 生产、销售下列商品的行为,属生产、销售假冒劣商品行为:
  第八条 为生产、销售假冒劣商品提供场地、设备、帐号、仓储保管、运输服务,代为印制商标标识、包装物,代为进行广告宣传、代出证明、代订合同或者提供其他方便条件的,视为生产、销售假冒劣商品行为。
  第九条 生产、销售下列商品,经指正不予改正的,视为生产、销售假冒劣商品行为:

  第三章 查 处
  第十条 对生产、销售假冒劣商品的单位和个人,工商行政管理机关可以给予警告、通报批评,责令其停止生产、销售,限期追回已售出的假冒劣商品,没收非法所得,处以非法所得百分之十五至百分之二十的罚款。以上处罚可以合并使用。
  第十一条 对生产、销售假冒劣商品具有下列情形之一的,工商行政管理机关应当没收假冒劣商品和非法所得,对生产者处以假冒劣商品货值金额一至三倍的罚款;对销售者处以非法所得一至三倍的罚款。未取得非法所得的,可以处以十万元以下的罚款。工商行政管理机关还可以没收生产、销售假冒劣商品的设备、器具和专用交通工具,责令其停止整顿,直至吊销其营业执照;触犯刑律的,依法追究其刑事责任。
  第十二条 生产、销售假冒劣商品触犯商标、广告管理法律、法规的行为,工商行政管理机关按照《中华人民共和国商标法》和《广告管理条例》的规定处理。
  第十三条 对生产、销售假冒劣商品的单位主管人员和直接责任人员,可视其情节轻重给予行政处分,并可处以五千元以下罚款。
  第十四条 对生产、销售假冒劣商品的行为人进行行政处罚,并不免除其对消费者承担商品包修、包换、包退和赔偿损失的责任。
  第十五条 生产、销售假冒劣商品情节轻微或者行为人主动交代检举立功的,可以从轻或者免予处罚。
  第十六条 对有意采购假冒劣商品的进货单位和个人,视同生产、销售假冒劣商品,比照本规定第十条、第十一条、第十三条的规定予以处罚。
  第十七条 对利用“回扣”、“好处费”,或者接受“回扣”、“好处费”销售假冒劣商品的,没收其全部“回扣”、“好处费”,并比照本规定第十一条、第十三条的规定予以处罚。
  第十八条 工商行政管理机关在查处生产、销售假冒劣商品行为时,可分别不同情况,行使以下权利:
  第十九条 标准计量行政管理部门对商品质量的监督检查,依照国务院《工业产品质量责任条例》、《济南市市场商品监督管理办法》及其他有关规定执行。
  第二十条 工商行政管理机关和标准计量行政管理部门在查处生产、销售假冒劣商品行为时,要严格按照国务院规定的原则分工,相互配合、相互支持。
  第二十一条 医药、卫生、商检、农业、畜牧等部门,按照有关法律、法规和规章的规定对生产、销售假冒劣商品行为,在其职权范围内依法予以查处。
  第二十二条 各有关行政机关及其工作人员在查处工作中,应当秉公办事、严格执法。对玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,主管机关可视情节轻重给予行政处分;触犯刑律的,依法追究其刑事责任。
  第二十三条 对检举、揭发和控告生产、销售假冒劣商品行为有功的单位和个人,依靠国家有关规定予以奖励并负责为其保密。对检举、揭发和控告者打击报复的,要依法予以严惩。
  第二十四条 对拒绝、阻碍查处工作,违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的,由公安机关依法处罚;触犯刑律的,依法造究其刑事责任。
  第二十五条 对包庇、纵容单位或者个人生产、销售假冒劣商品的主管部门和有关机关,工商行政管理机关除对其通报批评外,还可以对其主管人员和直接责任人员各处以一千元以下罚款,对从中渔利的,没收全部非法所得,并处以非法所得二倍的罚款;触犯刑律的,依法追究其刑事责任。
  第二十六条 对查获的假冒劣商品,由工商行政管理机关、标准计量等行政管理部门按有关规定予以处理。
  第二十七条 当事人对工商行政管理机关处罚决定不服的,可以在收到处罚决定之日起十五日内向作出处罚决定的机关的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以在规定期限内向人民法院提起诉讼。法律、法规另有规定的除外。
  第二十八条 工商行政管理机关的处罚决定生效后,被处罚单位或者个人在规定期限内拒绝缴纳或者未缴清罚没款的,工商行政管理机关可通知其开户银行从其存款中扣缴,或者通知其所在单位从个人工薪收入中扣缴,也可将扣留的物资变价抵缴。
  第二十九条 罚没收入一律缴同级财政。

  第四章 附 则
  第三十条 本规定由济南市人民政府法制局负责解释。
  第三十一条 本规定自公布之日起施行。





(Promulgated by the People's Bank of China on September 28, 1987)

Whole Doc.

Article 1
These Provisions are hereby formulated with a view to utilizing
foreign investment, supporting the development of national economy,
assuring the raise of funds on the international financial market based on
a plan, making a rational arrangement for use of borrowed funds and
strengthening the control of issuing bonds abroad.
Article 2
Legal entities which are registered in China (hereinafter referred to
as "institute within China" shall abide by these Provisions in respect of
issuing bonds abroad.
Article 3
The head office of the People's Bank of China is the examination and
approval authority in charge of issuing bonds abroad. The State
Administration of Exchange Control and its branch offices (hereinafter
referred to as "exchange control authorities") are the organs regulating
the issue of bonds abroad by resident institutions, and shall take the
responsibility of examining, adjusting and supervising the issue of bonds
and controlling the use and repayment of the raised funds.
Article 4
In need of issuing bonds abroad, resident institutions shall make a
written application to the local exchange control authority and submit
relevant documents and materials in light of Articles 6, 7 and 8 of these
Provisions. with suggestions made by the local exchange control authority
upon examination, the application shall be subject to the check-up by the
State control Administration of exchange and approval by the head office
of the People's Bank of China.
Article 5
In applying for issuing bonds abroad, resident institutions shall
submit the following documents and materials:
1) the report on business, finance and the status of receipt and
disbursement of foreign exchange of bonds issuing institution within the
recent consecutive three years;
2) matters as the market, types, amount, forms of currency, length,
interest rate and various expenditure of bonds issued;
3) the status of main secretaries in charge and main entrusted banks;
4) controlling methods for the funds raised through issuing bonds and
for exchange rate and rate risk;
5) arrangements of bond issuing institutions for paying back
principal plus interest of bonds;
Article 6
In case that funds raised through issuing bonds are to be used for
fixed assets investment, the following materials shall also be provided:
1) feasibility report on investment project;
2) documentation which shows that the plan about fixed assets
investment has been brought into line of the state's or local plan;
3) documentation of necessary Renminbi (RMB) Funds and necessary
goods and materials;
4) the plan for utilizing the funds raised through issuing bonds.

Article 7
In the event that funds raised through issuing bonds are to be relent
to domestic enterprises, the applicants shall present the following
materials in the meanwhile:
1) reports on conditions for the business, finance and receipts and
expenditure of foreign exchange of the domestic enterprises;
2) reports on the purpose of the loan used by the domestic enterprise
and its necessary Renminbi funds and necessary goods and materials;
3) the document testifying that the borrowed funds which are used for
the investment in fixed assets have been brought into line of the state's
or local plan;
4) arrangement for the use and repayment of the funds borrowed by the
domestic enterprise;
5) feasibility report of such domestic enterprise on the project for
investment in fixed assets;
6) a loan agreement signed between the bond issuer and the borrower.
Article 8
If the issuance of bonds is entrusted by a domestic institution, the
following documents and materials shall be provided upon application by
the entrusted institution and the local exchange control authority
1) bonds agreement signed between the entrusting and entrusted
institutions, being submitted by the entrusted party;
2) relevant documents and materials submitted by the entrusted
institution according to these Provisions;
3) examination reports on issuing bonds in entrusting and entrusted
ways, which shall be presented respectively by the local exchange control
authorities where the entrusting and entrusted institutions are located,
in light of relevant provisions of the State Administration of Exchange
Article 9
If in need of application for grading, the institution which issues
bonds abroad for the first time, shall present the exchange control
authority a written application with materials concerning the name of the
institution for grading, materials useful for grading, grading procedures,
etc. the issuing institution shall not apply for grading abroad until the
approval is given, The issuing institution shall make a report on the
grading results to the exchange control authority within 3 days after the
grading. The head office of the People's Bank of China shall, in light of
the results of grading, decide to approve its issue of bonds or not. In
need of another grading, the institution shall give a report on the
results and reasons of the grading to the exchange control authority if
the results of grading differ from that of the last time.
Article 10
If the bonds are issued for the need of its own operation of the
issuing institution, such funds raised shall be used for the purpose as
approved, and the issuing institution shall take the full responsibility
of paying off the principal and interest of bonds.

Article 11
In case the issue of bonds is entrusted by a local government, the
raised funds shall be used for the projects arranged by the local
government, and the repayment of principal plus interest is brought into
line with the local plan for the expenditure of foreign exchange. The
local government shall be responsible for the repayment.
Article 12
If the issue of bonds is entrusted by the State, the raised funds
shall be used according to the State arrangements and the repayment of the
principal and interests is brought into line with the State plan for the
expenses of foreign exchange, The State shall undertake the responsibility
of the repayment.
Article 13
The bond issuing institution shall report the conditions of the
issuing to the exchange control authority, the same day on which bonds are
issued and file the documents and materials concerning the issue
(including the directions for the issuing of bonds, etc.) with the
exchange control authority within 20 days after the issue.
Article 14
If the bonds are to be marketed in a financial market other than the
place in which the bonds are issued after the issuance, the issuing
institution shall in advance report it to the exchange control authority
for the record, and shall provide a report to the exchange control
authority at any time when there are any changes in price after the bonds
went on the market.
Article 15
After the bonds are issued, the issuing institution shall, in the
light of requirement of the exchange control authority, submit quarterly
the reports concerning the use of the funds, operation of the investment
and loan project and the repayment of the funds. If the purpose of the
using the funds is necessary to be changed, the issuing institution shall
obtain the consent from the exchange control authority in advance.
Article 16
The exchange control authority has the right to examine the use and
repayment of the funds, and the issuing institution shall cooperate with
the exchange control authority, presenting relevant documents and

Article 17
In case of violation of these Provisions, the exchange control
authority may make the punishment of disciplinary warning, fining and even
canceling the qualification for issuing bonds according to the seriousness
of the case.
Article 18
The authority to interpret these Provisions resides in the State
Administration of Exchange Control.
